Thursday, April 25, 2013

Just Another Digital Scrapbook Template

Having so much fun creating these templates. Templates are so versitile to use. It's amazing how using the same template in two different pages can result in two very different styles.
Here is the template I made today with a sample of a finished page.

Elements from Debbie Knorr and Ya Ya Scrapbooking.
(The picture was my very first multi media canvas. I love her!)

Saturday, April 20, 2013

How to Create an Adoption Profile that Stands Out Amongst Others

 A few years ago, I was asked to duplicate an Adoption Profile book that was hand scrap booked.  It was a simple book that the hopeful adoptive parents intended to give the adoption agency. The agency would give it to birth mothers who wanted to know more about perspective parents for their baby.

I was moved by the warmth and empathy that this couple showed for the birth mother in each page. It made me realize that you should not write what YOU WANT the birth mother to know about you, but what SHE NEEDS to know about you. 

A profile does not tell your life story.  It’s focuses on three or four key themes. It should capture the key moments in your life that define you as individuals, as a couple, and as potential parents.

What you write in this profile is important, so you MUST have good copy that creates an emotional connection between you and your reader. 

A birth mother also wants to picture what her baby's life would be like if she entrusted that life to you. This is the visual part of your book. 

When it comes to standing out and getting your profile noticed by an expectant mother considering adoption, doing only one of these things right just doesn’t cut it. To make an impact and set yourself apart from others, both of the elements have to be in place — the writing AND the design. 

Let us help you create an Adoptive Profile Book that will convince an expectant mother that you are the couple that WANTS and NEEDS to share your love with their child.

Adoptive Profile books are very personal and involve much more than a typical scrap page. For this reason, they can't be ordered through our regular ordering process. The price will vary depending on the components you want to include and the copy that must be typed (typically $100 - $400 for a digital PDF file only). Printed pages are priced the same as our pricing page notes.

If you are interested in ordering, please inquire via email : 

Writing from the heart,
Ya Ya

Monday, April 15, 2013

Praying For Those Involved in the Boston Tragedy

I truly am saddened by the tragic event in Boston. My heart goes out to everyone involved or present today. I will watch the news play out and try to find a way to accept that which I have no power to change. I hope everyone sends a whisper out to the people's spirits that were broken today.

Ya Ya

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Design Day! Learning To Create and Use Digital Scrapbooking Templates

I never understood the rave about using templates in designing digital scrapbook pages. I thought that it was a process that limited creativity. I usually get my inspiration from a photo and didn't think that a template would allow me to be very creative.

My skepticism compelled me to research this method of scrapping. Today was my learning day and I have to say that I LIKE it!

Though I would not opt to limit my scrapping to using templates, I think I will create a library to use for fun quick pages.

I thought I would share with you what I learned today.

Here is the template I made in Photoshop:

Doesn't look like much, does it? Yeah, I didn't think so either.

But look at the two totally different pages I was able to create from just this one template.

Love them, don't you?

Ya Ya

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Ya Ya Scrapbooking takes 3rd in the Brazzlebox Photo Contest

Brazzlebox is a community focused social network exclusively for small and home based businesses. Sign up for the launch and Brazzlebox was created for small business by small business.  (PRNewsFoto/Brazzlebox)
On March 1st, Brazzlebox launched a small and home-based business photo contest on the Brazzlebox Facebook page. 
Facebook fans of Brazzlebox submitted a photo of their business or service on the contest page to try and win a cash prize of $1000!!! There were monetary awards for 2nd and 3rd place, also.
You showed some love by voting for Ya Ya Scrapbooking and we took 3rd place!!!!!
I want to THANK each and every one of you who voted and supported us. We make a good team :)

Ya Ya

Friday, April 5, 2013

Fan of the 'CUSE in Scrapbooking Terms

Just printed this one out today in honor of a great team and their biggest fans, William & Winston!

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Break The Chronological Habit

Do you scrap chronologically? Meaning, do your pages reflect holidays or events of the year. Do you try your hardest to scrap your pages in order of when these events took place? If you do, try to remember the purpose of your scrapbooking.

I think back to my school pictures. My mother bought the 'packages' year after year and we did, of course, appreciate the changes in our physical attributes. You know, no teeth in 1st grade, awkward huge front teeth in 2nd grade, longer hair in third grade, etc..., but other than that, what was all that money spent on?

Did those pictures remind us of  the shenanigans we participated in with our best friend, our favorite teacher, or the christmas concert in which we got to sing the solo? I know, mine didn't. The pictures from my childhood that I am finding most important are those that show me with my friends, my first pet, our old house.

As an adult, I love the pictures of my kids together, or at their dance recital, or playing soccer. I love the ones where they are doing silly things. Those are the memories I don't want to forget. Those are my most precious memories of them.

Most of us scrap pages to document occasions or events, or special things that we find endearing in our family. These pages, we hope, will be gazed upon years after we have passed on.

So, do you want your children and grandchildren just flipping through your scrap pages as if they were their school pictures? Or, do you want your scrap pages to touch their heart with a memory or an emotion that shows them something about you and/or what you thought was important about them?

I was asked the other day if I ever scrapped a page of my most treasured possession. I really never thought about doing that. But, wouldn't we all like to know what our mothers cherished most?

Break the chronological habit. Scrap your memories. Scrap what your home has meant to your family over the years. Perhaps, scrap a page of your family's favorite recipe. I think you may find that pages like these are going to be the most rewarding and meaningful ones you will ever scrap.

Here is my latest scrap page of William and Winston. It was NOT inspired by a date (even though I have documented that on the page). Instead, I was inspired to show the close relationship between a boy and his dog! Love this picture!

Ya Ya