Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Life Around Here - Part 2: My Trip to North Carolina and More

Poor baby Liam had a very rough first week and I think all four adults were awake 24/7. I can't relate to the struggles of breast feeding for moms who don't have a smooth ride as I wasn't able to breast feed my kids. We cryed right along with this poor guy as he struggled to nurse and my niece struggled to pump.

My niece keeps me updated with pictures ( I won't bore you with ALL of them), but I am just enamored by this little guy WHO TURNED ONE MONTH OLD! 

OK... just one more picture... my niece thinks he may be a "Professional Roller Coaster Rider" when he grows up...haha

What I left out of my blog post in Part 1 of my North Carolina adventure is that I was able to do a little art while I was there. One night I just rough sketched the picture and added some watercolor.

I kept it simple as I only took Copics, water colors and some alcohol inks.

Though I liked her, I realized her left shoulder was catawampus. It was driving me cRaZy and I couldn't figure out how to fix it with the limited supplies I had. Sometimes, the better paintings come from the worst mistakes. I fixed her once I got home.

I was also able to make some notecards with alcohol inks while I was there.  

I would really like to experiment more with these inks on other substrates (the cards are inked on blank gloss notecards I got from a clearance sale online).

I began this next painting while in North Carolina, but this is as far as I got before I had to return to Florida.

When I got home, I contemplated for a few days trying to figure out the direction I wanted to go with her. Here is the progression.

Listen To Your Heart, Your Angels Dwell There.

Since I have been home, I have been busy with continued house remodel, working on studio classses and have tried to be more active in my art. 

So, I guess that means there will be at least a Part 3 update and possibly a Part 4. Hopefully that will get us up to the current goings on. Stay tuned as I write furiously... haha


  1. Veey very awesome post.. i LOVE her

    1. Thank you, Tamiko. I actually love her, too. She went through a lot of changes along the way.

  2. Lovely to see and hear of all of your life events, new babies and artistic endeavours. You rock the life! 👏🏻💖👏🏻

    1. Thanks, Von. I feel like a new mom flashing pictures of the baby to anyone who'll look...haha He's my great nephew, but my sister isn't here to be a doting grandma, so my sister and I have become doting great aunts. I love being back in the studio and I'm trying to focus more on my goals, which includes posting more regularly. Sometimes it's overwhelming to keep up with social media, blog, etc. When all I want to do is art.

  3. Like the last work very much. That new baby is a cutie we need to keep up with him.

    1. Thanks, Sharon. You can bet that you'll be seeing this boy grow up. I am just enamoured with him :) Love being back in the studio creating and can't wait for classes to pick up again.
