Saturday, August 30, 2014

Think of Happy Things

Am I the only one who experiences blocks of time where it seems everything goes wrong? This week has been one of those times and I have had to introspect about how to get through it all.

One thing I know for sure is that dwelling on negative things that I can't change, is futile. Sometimes I can't just jump up and take action either.

This week I tried to stay in my happy place and just breathe through it. And, so, I painted.

" Just think of happy things and your heart will fly on wings" ~Peter Pan

By the time I finished this painting, many encouraging things had come about. These occurred because I took a deep breath and thought of the positives in my life.

I put those pesky negative thoughts into perspective.

To be honest, most of them will have conclusions in a few weeks (good or bad, who knows) and considering the time span of my entire life, I realize that a couple of weeks is really nothing.

Tommy Jo


  1. ahhh, the angst that everyone goes through is tough, but your painting is lovely, as you are! Viva la art!

    1. Thank you, Sandee. Sometimes, I find the best reation to negative is no reaction until you can figure it out or it takes care of itself.

  2. Yep art helps put it all into perspective and gives you time to be at peace with yourself.
    Love your arty girl with wings so bright and pretty.. :)
    Sandy :)

    1. Thank you, Sandy, and it is so true that you need to keep everything in perspective.

  3. I think your wonderful! And so is your very creative art work!

    1. Thank you, Linda. I am just so grateful for the encouragement of such wonderful artists. I am kind of lacking in the courage department, but everyone's support of my art has really brought some bravery into my life.

  4. Well, you know I just LOVE your Girlz!! And the quote is perfect. Love all you do and you do it so beautifully always.

    1. Thank you, Donna. I always appreciate your feedback cuz it's never anything but positive :)

  5. Thank you tomeki28. That means a lot. Art is so subjective and it is nice to see who has commonality with me where mine is concerned.
