Sunday, December 29, 2013

Live With Passion, Determination and Values

Happiness comes from living comfortably with your personal values. Clarity of your values will help you make decisions that align with your heart. When you are satisfied with the decisions you have made, you will discover the path to happiness in your life.

When We Stumble...
Unhappiness, stress, and numerous other negative feelings are caused by not making decisions based on your personal values. Identify which value(s) you didn't take into consideration when you made those decisions and you will recognize the source of your discontentment.

When We Are Passionate And Determined...
I was asked to list my top five values and create a painting incorporating those words. I had the whole month of December and as you can see, I procrastinated. I came to realize that this really wasn't as difficult as I was making it out to be. I have already learned (through many years of mistakes) what values are important to me, what makes me happy and what creates turmoil in my life. I have come to live my life with passion and determination; I just don't think about saying my values out loud - except to my grandkids when they need the reminder - :)

My Values Challenge Painting

In this piece of art, I listed five values that I believe encompass even more than each one alone. If I live my life with HOPE, COMPASSION, INTEGRITY, VIRTUE and GRACE, then I will always be loving, truthful, honest, sympathetic, caring and have a deep faith in my service to others and to myself.
And...I am happy.

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Superhero: #7 in My Whimsical Girl Series DONE

A while back, I sketched and began a painting that was inspired by a very special girl. She's my daughter's best friend and an awesome musician.
The Sketch

The Painting's Beginning
I've had this painting sitting on a shelf just as you see above, because I wasn't exactly sure how to proceed. 

You see, this one is personal. It is about a girl who grew up with my daughter. A girl I know personally. A girl who had a dream and has worked hard to make that dream come true. A girl who continually reaches out to make everyone who crosses her path feel valued and special. 

 Today, Christmas Day, I felt she needed to be completed. She's done and I just love her. 

I hope Michelle likes her as much as I do (this may very well be my favorite of the series).

What do YOU think?

Check out the band at: