A couple of years ago, I took on a huge project of scanning family photos. My hope was to be able to scan the physical photos and be able to distribute them digitally to all of our family members. This way, everyone would have every photo, right?
Well, anyone who truly knows me, would also have known that this wasn't going to be a timely project. Some people would feel good just knowing they got them scanned and in the knowlege that the photos could never be lost.
I agree that this is great, but I am unable to just scan a photo with all it's scratches, noise, tears and discoloring. I WANT TO RESTORE EVERYTHING! It's not an illness, really. To me, it has more to do with valuing the lives and memories of my family members. Their memories are important to me.
At one point (and many times after that), I came across some very damaged photos. As I was researching the best method (s) for doing immense work on these, I found the following video. It wasn't so much a 'how to' video, but instead, a 'why to' video.
This video shows the restoration of the photographs taken of John F. Kennedy by his personal photographer, Jack Lowe. It shows the miracle of the ability to restore photos.
Restoring JFK Memories
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