Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Eating Italian Ice is an ART Addiction

I have an addiction and for a long time I was worried about it. Anyone else that can't get through a day without Italian Ice?

Every night, I have Italian Ice microwaved for 20 seconds exactly to keep it icy, but a little slushy on the bottom. Preparing it is definitely an art, but thats not the art I am talking about here.

For month's I have saved the individual containers.

How in the heck is this art???? Well, for one thing, I use them in my art classes for each student's gel medium and water. No chance of running out of this supply, either...LOL

I am taking an online class and the project I was to complete was to be made out of a piece of junk mail. I had none at that moment and in order to stay on schedule, I had to get creative. After searching the house for something to substitute, it hit me.  Italian Ice!!!!!!

I used the box my Italian Ice comes in.

The following is a picture journal of how my addiction is an art. 


This finished piece is an inspirational journal that will fit comfortably in your purse (4.25" x 6"). On the inside, is note paper and a pocket. I included a ribbon marker  with some dangling charms. It has a sewn in velcro closure.

Just a note **** It was totally painted using my gel press... first time I ever used it and I think it turned out well. 

So? What's your art addiction?????


  1. Oh man, I love the art journal cover! I too collect containers, they come in so handy and it's the best re-cycling you can do!

    1. Thanks, Sandee. I am supposed to be minimalizing, but I feel more like a hoarder. I look at EVERYTHING as possible art.
