Sunday, October 18, 2020

Hello friends,

My journey is ever changing. Now that I am officially old (when Medicare became the focal part of my life... hahaha), I have to re-think how I will get the most out of my days and participate mostly in activities that make me excited, happy, joyful and blessed.

Of course there are chores and certain responsibilities, but I'm thinking a split of 80/20 perhaps. If I was "doing fun stuff" 80% of my day, I would be very happy with that.

If you follow my Facebook or Instagram pages, you have seen that for almost a year, I have devoted most of my art/crafting time to handmade journals. I love everything about creating them; shopping or creating digital papers, decisions about how it will go together, printing and fussy cutting, coffee dying papers, the creative side of choosing theme and colors, making ephemera, and even sewing the signatures in to see how chunky and lucious it becomes. ALL OF IT!

I completed 2 journals and an altered book recently. 

 My niece is expecting a baby boy in December and I made her this altered book. I love how it came out and I am sure to make more in the future. Here are some of the pictures, but you can also see the flip through video on my YouTube channel.

And here are some pictures of the journals which you can also see a flip through on my YouTube channel. These are available to purchase in my Etsy shop.

Right now, I need a little art time, but I have a couple ideas for new journals. One idea involves a collaboration with another artist, so I am excited to see if we can work it out. 

Thank you, as always, for following my life and art journeys.


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