Thursday, May 2, 2013

Choosing Color Combinations For Your Scrap Pages: Will You Take The Challenge?

As most of you know, I am consumed with digital scrapbooking. Sometimes, I think I breath it without even taking notice. I would bet that every conversation I have had with another being has, at some point, involved digital scrapping.

This week my quest was color. How do I choose which ones truly go together. How does ANY designer decide on color combinations for a kit ? As I try to add new papers to my digital stash, I knew I had to look for different color combinations.

I started my research and found that there are already color combinations out there for me to use. I just have to be open and trust them. I have to be open to nature and open to the choices that others have already made.

Once I did this, I was able to create some great papers.

Take a look.... there is a challenge for you at the end....

Blue ~ Yellow

Fuschia ~ Orange

Gray ~ Yellow

Pink ~ Sage

Turquoise ~ Lime Green

Vermillion ~ Gold

I need help and hence, your challenge... I am having trouble coming up with a contrasting color for PURPLE...

Purple and Green (as in grapes in a vineyard) or Purple and Yellow (as in pansies, the flower) is all I can come up with.

What colors do YOU like with Purple? Please leave a comment!!!!

I will design a paper in PURPLE and whatever OTHER COLOR gets the most comments.

I am excited to see what colors you choose. Please help :)

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