Sunday, October 20, 2013

A Super Hero in the Making

Many of you already know that I was lucky enough to spend time with Michelle, my daughter's oldest friend, and lead singer of Beebs and Her Money Makers while they were touring this summer.

I have been so impressed with Michelle's drive to follow her dream and the positive messages she sends out to all of her fans that I just keep thinking of what a great role model she is for girls. Though the band's 'gimmick' is all about being a super hero, it is not far from the truth about this young lady.

Today, I was supposed to be working, but as usual a million things run through my head at any given time. I couldn't get Michelle out of my mind. I just kept thinking about how she lives her words.

She is kind, caring, compassionate, values her relationships, works hard to create her own happiness and is passionate about her life.

Of course, the work stopped and the doodling began....

Michelle, you inspire me!

Monday, October 14, 2013

Etsy Update

As you know, through much encouragement and a KRR angel, I opened my Etsy shop (Ya Ya Scrap and Print) less than a month ago. I have been so busy ever since. You know how that is... making sure you have everything in place in case you really do get an order :)

At first, I listed the prints of my paintings. Seeing them in my own little shop made me very proud. I even forgot for a minute how scared I was to share them 'outloud'.

I really do love these canvases. So much so, that I just had to design some note cards to share, too.

Then it happened! Sale number 1!

I had only listed two sets of cards, so that sale took me down to one set left listed. Then, I got a request that someone wanted two sets. Do you believe it? I am not even a month old and I had to restock the shelves already.

To my sisters in our Flying Lessons: The Whole Shebang eBook Group, I thank you for your daily doses of inspiration. Like the Lion in The Wizard of Oz, I believe I was always brave, but I needed the medallion (validation). You all have given me that.

To the recipients of my first two orders, I hope
 these cards bring as muchjoy to your heart as 
you have brought to mine.

I'm feeling rather bold at the moment, so I guess
it's time to list some of my soaps in my shop.

I'll let you know when that happens.


Thursday, October 10, 2013

Heritage Scrapbooking/ Genealogy

Many people spend countless hours researching their genealogy. What a wonderful gift to leave for future generations. I am doing the same because the facts and stories of my family are very precious to me. However, traditional genealogy research is documented on charts that are sometimes a little confusing to follow.

Heritage scrap booking can be an even more interesting way to document that same history.  Every page you include brings your ancestors to life. And, you can create a visual history of each person from their birth to their death.  You can see extended families and how they grow and have lived their lives.
You can creatively document the happy times as well as the not so happy times. After all, the combination of these events is the very core of your family. Your journaling can include stories, facts, names and dates of events. 

Although photography has been around for a long time, pictures of more than a couple of generations back are rare in some families.

I wanted to show you how I took the loose pictures of my parents’ wedding and a story from my Aunt and was able to create a heritage page that I think family members will enjoy for years to come.

Having lost both of my parents, these pages keep them alive in my heart.  ~ T

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Some More "William"

There has been a lot going on at Ya Ya Scrapbooking lately.

Opening my Etsy shop (, which currently features prints of my paintings, took quite a bit of time. I had to learn from the ground up and though it took quite a bit of research to learn the ins and outs, I am very proud of my shop.

I have been doing a little design work for a friend who has her own business. She has challenged me to learn Illustrator (the basics anyway) which is something I have wanted to dabble in for a long time. Thank you, Kathy ... I do believe you are my creative kindred spirit!

My 'to do" list lately is long and I wouldn't have it any other way. So, last night and this morning I worked on some overdue pages of "William" and I was able to cross one thing off that list.

Here they are and I LOVE THEM! Now to tackle more of that list :)

     Ya Ya